Basic training sessions on state aid held, project activities resumed

After a pause in implementation during the state of emergency introduced due to the Covid-19 pandemic, activities of the project Support to the Commission for State Aid Control in the field were resumed on 6 June 2020, when a training session for employees in the City Assembly of Leskovac was held.

Project experts Svetlana Šćepanović Markočević and Aleksandar Ristić presented to the participants the modernised state aid rules that are in force in the European Union, as well as the state aid rules most commonly used in practice – in the field of regional development, support to small and medium enterprises and in protection of the environment.

After Leskovac, trainings were held in Crna Trava and Vlasotince, two nearby municipalities in the south of Serbia. From 17 June to 19 June 2020, experts also held basic training sessions for employees in the public administrations of Knjaževac, Žagubica, Petrovac and Mali Crljeni municipalities.

All training sessions were held in accordance with the preventive health rules that are in force in the Republic of Serbia, with reduced number of participants.

Project work plan envisages basic training sessions on state aid rules to be held in all local self-government units in Serbia.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09